Drishane Castle
At only 32 km from Annagh More, the lovely castle and grounds of Drishane are situated a little to the northeast of Millstreet, near where the Finnow river joins the Blackwater.
At only 32 km from Annagh More, the lovely castle and grounds of Drishane are situated a little to the northeast of Millstreet, near where the Finnow river joins the Blackwater.
A cracking line up to kick start Ireland Folk Fest Killarney July 8th, 9th & 10th 2016.
Legendary folk singer Christy Moore headlines Saturday night at Folkfest 2016, signalling a return to his roots having recorded the famous “Ride On” album in Killarney July 1986.
In onderstaande video vertelt Dan Cronin, schrijver van het boek ‘In the Shadows of the Paps’ over deze historische plek.
Onze droom is uitgekomen, na lang zoeken, vond dit huis ons in 2015. We zijn gaan kijken en hebben het gekocht. Een old irish farmhouse op een berg in het zuiden van Ierland. We noemen het Annagh More, naar het townland waar het deel van uit maakt.
Our dream has come true, after a long search, we found this house in 2014 and it did not let us go. Last summer we went to look again and in the autumn of 2015, it is ours. An old irish farm house on a mountain in the south of Ireland. We call it Annagh More, to the townland where it is part of.
On the N22 from Cork to Killarney at about 12 km for Killarney take the exit to the right marked L7059.
On the N22 towards Cork coming from Killarney at about 12 km take the exit to the left marked L7059.
After the exit follow the road for about 1 mile or 1.6 km up the hill. After about 1.2 km you have to open the left gate. Please close it immediately after passing for the safety of the horses.
Mountain Grove Annagh More
Glenflesk – Killarney V93W7X8
Co. Kerry